Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scott Brown...Enh.

So, new Republican Scott Brown votes for the Democratic Jobs Bill.

Anyone surprised? Anyone?

Not me.

More highway jobs! Yeah, just what we need. Patching potholes is the sure road out of any recession.

It's time to ask the question: Is everybody stupid?!

These are not real jobs!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Halfway To Healthcare

By challenging the Republicans to a public-read, dog-and-pony show-debate on health care, Obama is placing a pretty safe bet.
He has two things going for him: 1) Promising someone something important and expensive like health care is more popular than not promising them something important and expensive like health care. And, 2) Republicans are often a bunch of bumbling idiots, unable to make a coherent case for a free market solution.

So, the best we can hope for?: Socialism Lite.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Scott Brown Is Right...And Wrong

"What made America great? Free markets, free enterprise..."
Scott Brown asked that question and answered it correctly.

Who will ask him exactly what's "free" about Massachusetts's healthcare mandates?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scott Brown? Enh.

Republicans are shouting to the rooftops and hanging from the chandelier in celebration of Scott Brown's victory in the special election in Massachusetts to replace the carcass of drunken buffoon Ted Kennedy.He died.

I would advise them to temper the unbridled joy.
Scott Brown is, after all, a "Massachusetts" Republican.